Harbor Light
Harbor Light – 2016/03

Harbor Light – 2016/03

“Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.” There are a lot of angles to this program,” the guy said after the meeting. That rang a bell with me. I knew he had been a professional thief while drinking, and I acknowledged the fact that I had probably been a more successful crook in the old days, in terms of the take, than he ever had. I could spare him a quarter that day, bus fare to the employment office. He didn’t ask for it. For me now there are many new and splendid angles to be found in following the 12 steps. Perhaps if I outline some of my recent experiences other alcoholics may benefit: I have accepted my illness, struck bottom, been through the wringer. I was pretty close to a hopeless case. Today, I am a free man.