Harbor Light – 2019/09

Harbor Light – 2019/09

Born This Way As a child, a good portion of my childhood consisted of fear and instability. I was the product of a booty call gone array. Born into a military family, I grew accustomed to constant moves and split time between grandparents. I am of Mexican and Italian descent. I was considered too “white washed” for the projects that […]
The 12 Traditions Long Form

The 12 Traditions Long Form

This month, as a salute to the 64th Harbor Area Central Office Traditions Banquet, we take a look at the original, or ‘long form’ text of the Twelve Traditions. They were first published in the May, 1946 issue of the Grapevine. In 1949 at the suggestion of Earl T, founder of AA in Chicago, they were shortened to the version […]
Press Telegram 1944

Press Telegram 1944

This month, we take a look at one of the early acknowledgments of the growth of A.A. by the local press. Note the use of the word ‘honest’ in the portion of the A.A. preamble to describe the program. So, when was the word ‘honest’ officially dropped from the preamble?
Harbor Light – 2019/08

Harbor Light – 2019/08

A LETTER TO MY SPONSORS SON 1 year ago today, my first sponsor passed away. Most of you won’t have known him as he had moved to Arizona a number of years ago. But many of you have heard of him, because I have spoken of him many, many times from podiums far and wide. I regret, Robert, that though […]

Traditions Banquet 2019

Seated Dinner50/50 RaffleSpeaker Meeting Get Involved Every Thursday at 6pm, at 4680 E Los Coyotes Diagonal, Long Beach, CA 90815, there will be a Planning Committee Meeting for Traditions Banquet 2019. Check flyer link for all details.