H&I Chili Cook-Off Winners

On Behalf of the Harbor Area H&I team, we want to thank everyone who supported and attended the event Sept 22nd. We know many of you worked hard at cooking chili, decorating booths and donating Auction Items. Thanks again for your commitment to help Carry the Message of AA to those in need. 2018 Chili Cook Off Awards! Best Chili […]
Hal Moffett Poem

Hal Moffett Poem

Recently I spent a delightful afternoon with Flossie Lewis’ daughter, Beverly O’Neill when she graciously donated to the Harbor Area Archives some wonderful new memorabilia. For this month’s selection please enjoy an original poem from Hal Moffett, founding president of Memorial West Alumni (MWA). It is presented here in its original ‘work in progress’ form.
Memorial Service for Dr. Bob, 1952

Memorial Service for Dr. Bob, 1952

This coming August 8th marks the birth of one Robert Holbrook Smith, “Dr. Bob” to the millions of AA members throughout the world. This month we present a memorial tribute from Bill Wilson to his old friend and co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous. A meeting was held at the 24th Street Club House in memory of Dr. Bob. A recording of […]
Harbor Light – 2018/06

Harbor Light – 2018/06

We could always count on a couple of folks that were ALWAYS there at Central Office Service meetings. Neil E. was one of those folks. Long term attendance meant that he had “seen it all” and was always willing to provide perspective. That sometimes meant that when newer representatives were attempting to lead or steer the committee in one direction […]