Harbor Light – 2017/03

Harbor Light – 2017/03

Under the B… BINGO Night! In the excitement of the new season, Harbor Area Central Office (HACO) is hosting its annual Spring Event this year – BINGO NIGHT! – on Saturday, March 18. With seven rounds of B-I-N-G-O to be played, participants will have many opportunities to win prizes, mingle with the crowd and spend an evening supporting AA activities.

Harbor Light – 2017/02

A New Design for Living as HACO Website Updated in February An important component to sobriety is information and ac-cess to it. The Harbor Area Central Office (HACO) website – www.hacoaa.org – is being revamped this month to better serve the needs of the AA fellowship in the Harbor Area. Harbor Light recently spoke with HACO webmaster Matthew L to […]

Harbor Light – 2017/01

“We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become unmanageable.” My name is Danielle and I am an alcoholic. That is the most powerful thing I will be writing tonight in this issue. It took me a long time to concede to my inner most self that I was an alcoholic. When I tried working the 12 steps […]

Getting Sober and Staying Sober

“A.A. concentrates on helping those who are already alcoholics, so that they can stop drinking and learn how to live a normal, happy life without alcohol.” A Brief Guide to Alcoholics Anonymous  (available with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.) sober events

Counseling the Alcoholic

This month from the Archives: Marty Mann, one of the first women to join A.A. and founder of the National Council on Alcoholism, shares her experience, strength and hope in a 1966 paper entitled Counseling the Alcoholic. Mann’s personal story, Women Suffer Too, appears in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous (2nd – 4th editions).