Flyers on Self Support

Flyers on Self Support

A document package comprising six flyers issued by the General Service Board of A.A. on the importance of self-support. In September of 1950, lack of voluntary contributions led Bill [W.] to issue to the Fellowship a five-page plea for support, including a request that the group secretaries call a special business meeting for the purpose of reading his (Bill’s) plea.
Musings, Reflections and Thoughts on A.A. Life

Musings, Reflections and Thoughts on A.A. Life

Clare M. was an early Long Beach A.A. member who got sober (as near as I can make out) in 1945 at the age of 53. Twenty-seven years later, in 1972, he published a collection of musings, reflections and thoughts on A.A. life. This month, the Archives is pleased to present a reproduction of Clare’s original pamphlet.

H&I Chili Cookoff 2017

Check flyer at this link. $500 Raffle! Speakers – 9am & 2pm Bring your Beach Chairs, Limited Seating Provided Live & Silent Auctions Kids Games Face Painting Bounce House Food Entertainment