Harbor Light – 2020/05
This article is reaching you at a rather odd time in history. We are all braving through a worldwide pandemic along with stay-at-home orders. What a time! As we have transitioned to virtual meetings, many of our members are still left feeling lost and uncomfortable. Many of us came from a chaotic lifestyle, but now enjoy the routine and commitments […]

A.A. In The Time of Coronavirus, first story
We reference the past and its lessons as long as those teachings work. When they don’t work, we adapt and we reshape. That has been our history. Bill W – 1960 General Service Conference address

A.A. In The Time of Coronavirus
A.A. In The Time of Coronavirus In light of the current circumstances I’d like to take a detour from our regular selection of history from the archives. This month the archives presents you with an opportunity to participate and add your voice to these uncharted events in AA history.
AA Grapevine is Free During These Times to Help Members
Due to the current changing health situation, many AA meetings across the U.S. and Canada are finding it safer to close. To help members during this time, we are giving everyone free access to most of our 2020 Grapevine and La Viña issues. Please share with your fellows. AA Grapevine