Harbor Light – 2019/04

Harbor Light – 2019/04

The Answer To The Age Old Question ‘Why is Alcoholics Anonymous, anonymous?’ Because so many people will use it against you. -Anonymous Member In the beginning it was like that, because they had to be. People didn’t want to be identified with a disease that no one understood, and still don’t really understand. There is a stigma behind the title […]
Harbor Light – 2019/02

Harbor Light – 2019/02

Came to believe that a higher power could restore us to sanity.” A simple sentence that when I myself read as a newly sober AA shook me to my core. Being one that you could call jaded to religious concepts I found this a hard pill to swallow.
Harbor Light – 2019/01

Harbor Light – 2019/01

The Angry Atheist Who Made AA Great – Jim B., often wrongly overlooked, fought Bill W. to a draw over the original wording of the 12 Steps. “God” got qualified and tolerance got added. Without this nonbeliever, AA would never have thrived.
Harbor Light – 2018/12

Harbor Light – 2018/12

Twelve Step Work Today Spiritual awakening was not a phrase in my vocabulary when I came into the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous. Most words in the big book actually felt foreign to me in my early days of sobriety. I remember hearing the twelve steps over and over in meetings and feeling as if step twelve (sponsoring and sharing the […]
Harbor Light – 2018/11

Harbor Light – 2018/11

Eleventh Step Promise We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us. As the AA member gets deeper into the recovery process, they begin to see situations more clearly and can tap into their inner resources. The AA promises are found on pages 83-84 of Chapter 6, “Into Action” in Alcoholics Anonymous