
NEWS FROM THE CAMPS – Clarence Snyder
I thought we’d start the New Year with a message from Clarence Snyder, a primary organizer of early Alcoholic Anonymous in Cleveland, Ohio. Stationed at Fort Knox, Kentucky during World War II, Snyder sent this message back home to the Cleveland A.A.’s via the Cleveland Central Bulletin, a monthly newsletter similar to our own Harbor Light. I hope everyone has had joyous holiday season and best wishes for a bright and wondrous New Year. NEWS FROM THE CAMPS Clarence Snyder writes: Again we all stand on the threshold of a new year. What shall it bring to us? It occurs to me that the problems and responsibilities to be faced by all of us this year will dwarf anything in our past experience. In view of this, wouldn’t it be fitting that we all pause for a time and consider how we are going to meet those problems and responsibilities and take inventory of our means at hand with which to help ourselves. We as individuals and, yes, as groups have been privileged to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles, and likewise impossible problems in our past few years experience. We have learned how to live, and there is surely no one among us who doubts for a moment that faith is our foundation for our pattern or design for living. No one can deny that the faith that moves mountains helped us one and all in overcoming our past unhappy, miserable existence, and in its place gave us hope and life and happiness and countless other blessings. Doesn’t it therefore seem logical that we should make every effort to strengthen our faith through works, as individuals and as groups? Never before in our experience has the need for cooperation, loyalty and clear thinking and definite action been so apparent. Let us, each one, resolve to grow spiritually, mentally and in character day by day during this coming year, depending on our Creator through our prayers for guidance and direction in all our actions. Best wishes to all my friends and keep up the good work with the Bulletin. Pvt. Clarence H. Snyder Co. B, 8th Bn. A.F.R.T.C. Fort Knox, Ky.
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