1900 E. Carson St., Long Beach, CA 90807 1900 E. Carson St., Long Beach, CA 90807https://hacoaa.org/service/
Each group in the community is asked to send both a representative and an alternate representative to the monthly OC Intergroup meeting. The Intergroup exists to aid the groups in their common purpose of carrying the A.A. message to the alcoholic who still suffers.
The Courage to Change 34th Inland Empire A.A. Convention April 20-23, 2023 Soboba Casino Resort Event Center San Jacinto, CA Register at https://www.ieaac.org Convention Flyer: IEAAC Convention
Featuring the 12 Concepts and Various Topics. Guest Speakers will include current and past delegates, alt delegates, Class A & B trustees, and AA Staff members. Members are from all over the U.S. & Canada.