Harbor Light – 2018/08

Harbor Light – 2018/08

In one way, taking part in the Hospitals and Institutions Committee of Alcoholics Anonymous, better known as H & I, is like everything else I do in AA. I’m sure you’ve heard someone say at a meeting, or said yourself, “I really didn’t want to come to the meeting tonight. I had a long day at work and I’m tired […]

Young People in A.A. — ACYPAA – All California Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous Round-Up 2019

In 1973, the All California Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous Round-Up was established as an annual gathering in California to provide an opportunity for young AA’s to come together and share their experience, strength, and hope. ACYPAA is visible evidence that large numbers of people are achieving a lasting and comfortable sobriety in Alcoholics Anonymous. Read More.