• (562) 989-7697
  • info@hacoaa.org
  • 3450 E Spring Street #109, Long Beach CA 90806
Harbor Light – 2019/05

Harbor Light – 2019/05

When The Student Is Ready Certain events have occurred in my life that seemed at the time to be coincidences, but I think were actually miracles. Take what happened on my first day of sobriety, for example. I woke up that morning with a massive hangover, not knowing how I got home. My wife said she had heard a noise […]
Dr. Bob's Last Drink

Dr. Bob's Last Drink

As we approach the celebration of Founders Day I thought we’d take a look back at the story of ‘Dr. Bob’s Last Drink’ with a revisionist eye at the days and dates. The days, Sunday – Dr. Bob travels from Akron to Atlantic City to attend the AMA Convention – Monday – first day of the AMA Convention etc. are […]