• (562) 989-7697
  • info@hacoaa.org
  • 3450 E Spring Street #109, Long Beach CA 90806
A.A. 25th Anniversary Grapevine 1960 Long Beach Convention

A.A. 25th Anniversary Grapevine 1960 Long Beach Convention

59 years ago on July 1st, the 25th Anniversary A.A. Convention convened in Long Beach, California. Bill Wilson felt this convention marked a major turning point in the growth of A.A. In this article in the A.A. Grapevine, Bill takes a look at the past and his thoughts about the future of A.A. From the July 1960 magazine. THIS GRAPEVINE […]
Harbor Light – 2019/05

Harbor Light – 2019/05

When The Student Is Ready Certain events have occurred in my life that seemed at the time to be coincidences, but I think were actually miracles. Take what happened on my first day of sobriety, for example. I woke up that morning with a massive hangover, not knowing how I got home. My wife said she had heard a noise […]
Dr. Bob's Last Drink

Dr. Bob's Last Drink

As we approach the celebration of Founders Day I thought we’d take a look back at the story of ‘Dr. Bob’s Last Drink’ with a revisionist eye at the days and dates. The days, Sunday – Dr. Bob travels from Akron to Atlantic City to attend the AMA Convention – Monday – first day of the AMA Convention etc. are […]
Harbor Light – 2019/04

Harbor Light – 2019/04

The Answer To The Age Old Question ‘Why is Alcoholics Anonymous, anonymous?’ Because so many people will use it against you. -Anonymous Member In the beginning it was like that, because they had to be. People didn’t want to be identified with a disease that no one understood, and still don’t really understand. There is a stigma behind the title […]