In Remembrance of Ebby

In Remembrance of Ebby

IN REMEMBRANCE OF “EBBY” By Bill Wilson In his seventieth year, and on the twenty-first of March, my friend and sponsor “Ebby” passed beyond our sight and hearing. On a chill November afternoon in 1934 it was Ebby who had brought me the message that saved my life. Still more importantly, he was the bearer of the Grace and of […]
Lois Wilson in January, 1967, AA Grapevine

Lois Wilson in January, 1967, AA Grapevine

This month our selection is a look back at the first five years of A.A. as told from Lois Wilson’s perspective. This was originally published in the January 1967 AA Grapevine. Lois Wilson, wife of AA’s co-founder, Bill Wilson, recalls the time in AA when there were few members and no Big Book. From the January 1967 AA Grapevine. In […]
Harbor Light – 2018/08

Harbor Light – 2018/08

In one way, taking part in the Hospitals and Institutions Committee of Alcoholics Anonymous, better known as H & I, is like everything else I do in AA. I’m sure you’ve heard someone say at a meeting, or said yourself, “I really didn’t want to come to the meeting tonight. I had a long day at work and I’m tired […]

Young People in A.A. — ACYPAA – All California Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous Round-Up 2019

In 1973, the All California Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous Round-Up was established as an annual gathering in California to provide an opportunity for young AA’s to come together and share their experience, strength, and hope. ACYPAA is visible evidence that large numbers of people are achieving a lasting and comfortable sobriety in Alcoholics Anonymous. Read More.
Earl T 1944 Grapevine

Earl T 1944 Grapevine

EDITORIAL: On Simplicity, of Faith, of Living, of Outlook The A.A. program itself is simple. Why do too many of us try to read complexities and mysteries into the 12 steps? In our drinking days our lives were complex and confused. We were unable to be honest with ourselves and we rationalized our wrong position with all the tricks of […]