Harbor Light – 2018/08

Harbor Light – 2018/08

In one way, taking part in the Hospitals and Institutions Committee of Alcoholics Anonymous, better known as H & I, is like everything else I do in AA. I’m sure you’ve heard someone say at a meeting, or said yourself, “I really didn’t want to come to the meeting tonight. I had a long day at work and I’m tired […]
Harbor Light – 2018/06

Harbor Light – 2018/06

We could always count on a couple of folks that were ALWAYS there at Central Office Service meetings. Neil E. was one of those folks. Long term attendance meant that he had “seen it all” and was always willing to provide perspective. That sometimes meant that when newer representatives were attempting to lead or steer the committee in one direction […]
Harbor Light – 2015/01

Harbor Light – 2015/01

“We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become unmanageable” You knew you needed to get sober. Everyone was disgusted with you, and you were disgusted with your own behavior. Still smarting from the last time you parked your car on the neighbor’s lawn, you swore you wouldn’t drink like that again. So, you go to a meeting […]
Harbor Light – 2015/02

Harbor Light – 2015/02

“Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.” Before becoming an active member of Alcoholics Anonymous, my prayer to God was something like this, “God, if you just get me out of this mess, I promise I won’t do that again.” When I drink, I would think of a lie on how I was […]
Harbor Light – 2015/03

Harbor Light – 2015/03

“Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.” I didn’t want to become an alcoholic. I became one after my first drink; that drink was the solution to all of my affairs up to that point, for seventeen years. At the age of thirty-eight, I was ordered to […]
Harbor Light – 2015/04

Harbor Light – 2015/04

“Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.” The following preface to this subject matter is a poem I wrote after the last fourth step I finished: The choices I made yesterday are no longer the redeemers of my destiny. I stand today a man not governed by his predisposition to self-doubt and misguided self-will, but as a man […]