Harbor Light

Harbor Light – 2018/08
In one way, taking part in the Hospitals and Institutions Committee of Alcoholics Anonymous, better known as H & I, is like everything else I do in AA. I’m sure you’ve heard someone say at a meeting, or said yourself, “I really didn’t want to come to the meeting tonight. I had a long day at work and I’m tired (or the big game is on, or whatever). But now that I’m here, I’m really glad I came. I always feel better after a meeting.” I had gone on a few panels here and there. For some of the first ones, I have to admit I wasn’t even sober. But after I got sober and was badgered into taking a panel of my own, I look forward to it every month. And in two years, I’ve never had a problem finding two or three alcoholics to join me and share their hope, strength and experience. It gives meaning to our tradition that states ours is a program of attraction rather than promotion. And we always enjoy it, and feel better afterwards.
Guy_Orla D_B